Call for Minisymposia

Those interested in organizing a minisymposium should submit a proposal on particular topics of current research interest to until May 15th, 2023. 

A minisymposium should include at least 6 presentations in two hours. Each speaker should be allotted 15 minutes for their presentation, with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. The number of minisymposia is limited by the available facilities.

 Your proposal should contain

  • the title of the proposed minisymposium,
  • name(s) and affiliation of the organizer(s),
  • a short description of the topic,
  • a list of potential speakers (not necessarily confirmed).

Submitted proposals will be considered by the scientific and the organizing committee shortly after the deadline. The decision will be based on the scientific quality and their significance to the subject of the conference.

The Conference topics include (but are not limited to these topics) the following sections: 

  • Homogenization and multiscale analysis
  • Nonlocal PDEs
  • Hyperbolic conservation laws
  • Fluid dynamics 
  • PDEs in biological and complex systems
  • Computational approaches to PDEs
  • Applications of PDEs in the sciences
  • Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Stochastic PDEs
  • PDE systems
  • Geometric PDEs and optimal transport
  • Control theory and Applications
  • Variational Calculus
  • Evolution Equations
  • PDEs in Image processing 
  • ....


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